Sunday, September 28, 2008

Interbike Wrap-Up Report

Whew! This Bike Show thing is kind of a bitch when you get right down to it, y'know? By the time we all re-convened @ the end of the day Thursday it was all we could do to ride the escalator up a floor to our fav Mexican joint, re-load and limp over to out hotel to retrieve our bags and catch a taxi f or the airport.

I're bleeding for me right now, huh? I appreciate that, I really do.

On Wed I had several appointments but managed to get around the show a bit as well. Co-Motion's tandems looked great - not a lot new there really - and I checked out a buncha new stuff from Terry, Salsa, Surly and a bunch more that frankly escape me @ the moment. The big thing was the 'Cross Vegas rcae that night. Rumours were all over the show that His Lanceness was gonna make the scene and race but we were skeptical to say the least. We had the major hook-up through our friends @ Quality Bike Products and Lazer Helmets......we caught a ride in the Lazer bus, all neoned out and stocked w/ Belgian beer and pizza(I don't think it was Belgian pizza). They kitted us out w/ a sweet Lazer polo shirt, cap and cowbell and let us loose on the race. The Women's race was wild....Katie Compton slayed all on the grassy-n-wicked-fast course. By then the announcers had whipped the enormous crowd into a frenzy w/ his regular Lance Status Reports. ("He's in the airport!" "He's en route!" "He's here at the venue!!!!!"

And so he was............all kitted out in LiveStrong and on a nondescript red Trek. He held his own....considering this was the most stacked field EVER in a North American 'Cross Race. Ryan Trebon gapped Tim Johnson on the last lap to win and L.A. was 20th or so. The whole cowbell-ringin', beer swillin', taco eatin' scene was a stone blast!!!!! You shoulda been there!

Thursday was more meetings, more shitty Expo food and more walkin' the endless aisles. I met w/ Seven MajorDomo Rob Vandermark, the Felt guys, Pearl Izumi, an interesting new little clothing company called Panache, Sidi, CycleOps and a ton more. Stuff that made an impression?

Sidis new prices. (Ouch!)
Felt's tri bikes (Nice!)
QR's too. (")
All the new stuff @ QBP. (Salsa, Surly, Assos, Civia....tons more)
Easton wheels.
Blackburn lights.
Giro's gloves.
Lazer's new $110 helmet.........................and a bunch more. Stop in the shop, we'll have the stuff to show you!

So...I was home for a whole 36 hours, then I headed to Chicago for the JDRF Coaching Meeting. It's a quickie.....I'll leave for home late tomorrow afternoon......and then I'm really looking forward to getting back into the flow around the shop and back on the bike. Death Valley is 3 weeks away.................and I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!! DV is one of my fav weekends of the entire season and it can't come soon enough.

So.....gotta go. The red-eye flight Thursday night, workin' all day Friday, giggin' last night and comin' here today is catching up w/ me.

Hope all is well in your world...............things are great in mine!

Oh yeah...KP would want me to tell you that the new VCC Hoodies are awesome and that they were all her idea. (Truth)

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