Monday, September 08, 2008

I'll take that fixxie for 150 please!

and that's pretty much what I did. Saturday was O.D.R.A.M, aka the "One Day Ride Across Michigan and one of my favorite days of the summer. What's not to dig? You get up early (way early!), catch the Velo Ventures bus up to Montague, mount the lights, pull on your arm warmers and vest and start riding east. 150 miles later you're at the Bay City State Park. In between you rode your bike, met the VeloVentures Support Truck every 25 miles, ate way too many Golden Oreos, hit the lunch stop @ the church and ate homemade chicken soup and generally had a blast.

I rode my trusty fixxie all the way. I had my C-Dale in the trailer "just in case" but never needed it.

What a great ride! I strongly suggest you put it on your calendar for 2009 and beyond!

So that was Saturday. Sunday I went up to Cedar Springs w/ J2, Heather -n-Brian for a JDRF Ride. Can't say that my legs felf all that great...but I got by. That's my new thing, I riding throughout the week due to travel-n-such so I gotta make it up on the weekends w/ 200+ miles.

Off to Whitefish again on Wednesday, for Round 4 of the big JDRF Traveling Circus. After this one there's "just" Interbike, the 2 Day Coach's Meeting in Chicago and Death Valley be fore I can put my travel gear away for a bit.

'Cross season is looming................not that I feel even remotely ready for it. of right-damn-now I don't even have a bike - I loaned my Gunnar to a member of the Death Valley Team - so I'm not sure what I'd even race on. Not that it'd matter.

I had a chance to reflect on the season as we were rollin' towards Bay City on Saturday.......Fisk Knob, Moab/Fruita, Grattan, Sonoma, Lumberjack, Asheville, Holland 100, Whitefish, all the shop rides, all the Crazy Bastard! How'd I get so lucky?

Don't tell anyone, okay?

MC Hammered

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