Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On the subject of waving..........

.............at each other as cyclists, by the way. Not @ ball games or from parade floats or whilst signing off on TV programs.

I was just reading long-time bud and bike-writing-hero Maynard Hershon's post on this subject and ....well.....here we are! His comments (and you really oughta go read them, like right now. I'll wait) were to the effect that he's always waved and for years has kind of keep track of who did and did not return said waves. That habit, which he referred to as "keeping tabs" has become a scab that he was unable to resist picking at and has affected his enjoyment of this fine sport that we love. So....his new plan is to continue w/ the waving but to quit keeping tab.

Now...as someone who, like M.H. has always waved at fellow riders and who has been heard to remark on the White pine Trail that "the next jackass that doesn't wave is gonna get chased down and put into the weeds" this notion of Maynard's kinda resonated w/ me. Why DO I wave? Why do I give a crap whether THEY wave back?

I'm not sure. I wave 'cuz back-in-the-day there just weren't all that many of us, y'know? Chances are if you passed another rider around here in the 70's you knew him or her and would run into them again soon. (And they'd ask - "Hey, din'cha see me on South Shore yesterday?). It was a fellowship thing. Nowdays - not so much. I did my part and lead the club ride last week and there were 5-6 guys I'd never seen before.

Lotsa riders these days...that's my point.

I could go into the different "types" of riders and how their catagory affects their likihood to wave back.........but somehow I don't see how that's gonna lead to less fragmentation and more brother/sisterhood.......so I'll fight the temptation. I'm gonna go w/ Maynard's theory that those that don't wave back just never learned that you're supposed to. They're not rude, aloof, arrogant, clueless or too self-important.......it's just never occurred to them.

Still............I DO wonder why at least as many motorcyclists wave at me as other riders. Why should they feel a kinship w/ a chubby olde farte in lycra that other riders do not? Is the whole "we're on 2 wheels and they're on 4" thing so strong?

I wave back, but I feel a little silly.

Speaking of waving back and feeling silly...............there's the whole "Jeep Thing" too. When I drive I'm likely to be trundling around in an old Jeep Wrangler, (to which I have alluded earlier if you are keeping score). It's safe to say that my reasons for choosing such a fundementally silly vehicle are for the most part "un-Jeep-like" and like the sticker says "It IS a Jeep thing and I DON'T understand" but the other Jeepfolk can't tell that at a glance so they wave.

All of them.

Every time.

And every time I wave back. And my wife smirks. How can I NOT wave back? After doing all this bitching about riders that don't?! So......Jeep guy that I'm not I still do the little "head nod and 2 fingers off the steering wheel thing" and trundle off along my way, content in the knowledge that whoever I just waved at will not and has not given much if any thought to this whole topic.

Good for them.

Still...........as cyclists I think that we should wave and aknowledge one another. Why not? What harm could it do? (Assuming you can do it w/out swerving into a pothole or fellow rider, that is? And if you can't..............you should practice! Maybe on your trainer or rollers.

Besides...I promised Maynard that I would keep waving.

So...if I see you on the road I'm gonna wave. If you wave back - great. If you choose not to....well.....not-so-great but okay. Your call.

Editorial Mode - off.

Otherwise BikeLife is full and grand - I'm off to Sonoma CA first thig tomorrow to spend the rest of the week as the Head Tech for the 1st JDRF Ride of the season. I'm looking forward to driving sag on Saturday - it'll be the only chance I have to see the area since otherwise I'll be buried in the Bike Room 24-7. Our local team is doing great and the Asheville Ride is only about 8 weeks away! Then it's on to Death Valley in October.

The shop is crazy busy and it shows no signs of slowin' down. Next month Ted goes easy for 10 days to be the Head Wrench for the Kenda/Titus team @ 2 big pro races. He's excited and scared and that's a good place to be! Shop rides are rocking - folks are riding bikes - life is good.

Speakin' of rocking..............last night my band crashed the party down @ the just-opened Saugatuck Brewery and held an impromptu rehearsal/performance to make sure that we were the first band to ever play there. "Twas a hoot and it's gonna be a sweet place to hang! 'Tis already, for that matter!

July brings the Holland Hundred, lotsa other rides and a buncha cool stuff! Can't wait!

1 comment:

Karin Schueller said...

I think it is very "glass half full" of you to go with the theory of people just not knowing better. Personally, I go out of my way to wave to people who let me cross in front of them when I am walking, and they are driving. It's the nice thing to do. Unfortunately some people are just not nice. I suppose I'm just spoiled...imagine if I lived in NY instead of my little Midwest town. But I will still wave too, Mike. Even if I do usually almost fall of my bike when I do. ;)