Friday, June 27, 2008


Yep, who woulda thunk it? I don't know what seems more unlikely...that I'm sitting here in the Bike Room @ the JDRF Sonoma Ride to Cure bloggin' away on my laptop (!!!!!) OR that I'm here in the capacity of Head Mechanic. As long as all you guys keep quiet for another 24 hours I think I can get outta here w/out blowin' my cover!

I've been here since Wed afternoon. It's a small ride - only about 70 riders - so the workload has been more than manageable. The weather is awesome, except for the constant haze from the 1000 or so forest fires said to ragin' out of control as close as 50 miles from right 'chere. It's been great to get a dose of what makes theses rides and this organization so special to me............the folks, the enthusiasm for the cause........the whole enchilada. I've never been to the early rides and I've met quite a few folks that I might not have ever met if I hadn't come out.

Back home our Team is getting ready for Asheville and Death Valley. I'm getting lotsa kudos out here for the size, passion and reputation of the West Michigan it's cuz of me! When people ask me how and why our Team grew so much I have to admit that I have no idea........a weird combination of luck, timing and personalities. It never seems to be a satisfactory answer for them but it's the best I have.

I'll be driving a Sag Wagon tomorrow, so I'll get to see the course and the area. So far I've seen the bit from the S.F. airport to here, the Bike Room, the dining room and the 10 miles up to the closest bike shop. By all reports the course oughta be awesome.

This ride is gonna go down in history as the ride w/ the largest Support/Rider ratio in the history of cycling! There are 7 Sag Wagons, 6 Coaches, a Med van, an ambulance, 7 food stops, 3 cops and a ton of other volunteers and staff to watch over 70 riders! the event of a terrorist attack we could literally sag everyone off of the course at once! The reason for the excess is that this is rehersal for the next 4 Rides and we have a new Ride Co-Ordinator and he's working out the kinks.

Okay....almost dinnertime. I have all the bikes ready, I'll just hafta get here @ 5:30 to get all the tirs topped off and everything else ready for tomorrow. It's been great but it'll be great to get home Sunday night too.

Tlak to you later, gotta go!

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