Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Meeting up w/ Maynard

Man! I just found out, thanks to buddy Amy waaaayyy out there in the PNW, that my fav-cycling-write-in-the-whole-world Maynard Hershon has a blog. Anyone that's had the misfortune of hangin' around me for to long has heard about Maynard and his tales.......I really truly believe that his books, (both lamentably out-of-print) should be required reading for anyone that aspires to ride a bike for more than a season and it's high praise indeed when someone compares our shop or even my-own-self favorably to Bob or his shop - the centerpiece of many a tale in Maynard's collection. It'd be pretty dang safe to assume that the style (such as it is) of Velo City (and of The Highwheeler for that matter) has been shaped somewhat due to my efforts to have a shop that I think that Maynard might hang out in.

( I'm serious when I say that you oughta read "Tales From the Bike Shop" and "Half-Wheel Hell". If you can't find em I'll loan you my copies, if you ask nice)

Anyway..............after wallowing in Maynard-Prose for a bit I got to remembering for I totally screwed up my only chance to meet and ride w/ him.


For the gory details........read on!

We had gotten to know each other after I had the bald faced nerve to send him a copy of our shop newsletter. This woulda been in '90 or '91 and our monthly letter had grown into an Honest to Gawd kinda magazine thing and I was sort of pumped up about it and I sent it to every BigWig in the biz that I could get an address for. He was the only one that wrote back and he told me that the "damn thing nearly made me move to West Michigan" and would I consider using one of his pieces if I did it again? Would I? Hell yes, and the next 2 issues of the "Highwheeler Annual Magazine Thing" proudly featured Maynard Hershon on the masthead w/ the rest of us nobodies.

Damn cool is what it was.

Anyway, we stayed in touch off and on and then when ex-co-worker Joel moved to Tucson we had another point of contact and when I made plans to go to Tucson w/ bud Suzy to ride w/ Joel I made plans to hook up w/ Maynard for a ride on what happend to be his 60th Birthday. To say that I was fired up would be a considerable understatement.......Maynard (fairly or otherwise) represented the Rider That I Wanted To Be........... hell.......the Rider that I wanted EVERYONE to be! I called him when we got to town, (On the phone! Just called him! He answered the phone just like a regular guy!) and we set it up for the next day.

That's where it went wrong.

I had a helluva cold the whole time I was there..........couldn't sleep, couldn't breath, not much company. Joel, Suz and I find the shop where we're meetin' up w/ Maynard (we're gonna ride out to a 17th century Spanish Mission out in the desert west of town, how cool does that sound?)
He rides up on a blue Rivendell and the first thing I do is comment on the slightly incongruous combination of modern Ultegra parts and wheels on the infamously retro frame. (I read later that he hates that! Hates it enought that he quit riding the Riv for a spell) We did our intros, he was w/ some woman racer who's name escapes me. (It was 5-6 years ago y'know) and we rolled out. I remember lots of big-city type roads, lotsa cars and it was a while before we got out of town enough to settle into a double line so we could chat. I don't remember much of the ride, I felt so crappy.

'Cuz here's the thing... The other thing... It was February. February for Tucson riders is like September to us West Michigan types. The end of the season, but no so much the end that you've lost your fitness. Joel had dragged us up and around a ride he called "the Quadriple Bypass" the day before (It crossed 4 passes, including Gates, a local test-piece) and I was hurting. Rememeber the February thing? It's kinda of critical to the story 'cuz while all the locals were tanned and shaved and end-of-season fit I was pasty white, hairy-legged and early-season fat. Besides...I was so damn sick that I was coughing and blowing all sorts of gross stuff all over my bike and self.

Now, I know where you think this is going, but it's not that bad. I didn't get dropped. I was fine hanging in, we went to the Mission (I have pictures!) and we rode back. It was nice. That night we went to a coffee shop w/ a bunch of Maynard's friends to celebrate his birthday. That was nice too. The thing is though....I was so sick that I didn't say a word, just sipped hot tea and tried not to sneeze on folks.

I just kind of feel that I missed out on a chance to have a REALLY significant experience, y'know? I don't even have a pic of me-n-Maynard and that'd be cool, no? I was just so sick, and I had to go and say something stupid and typically bike-geeky about his gear, y'know? What a dork.

Anyway..............go to www.maynardnet.blogspot.com and enjoy! If ya wanna read my story that won the silver medal in Velo News' "Write Like Maynard" contest visit www.velo-citycycles.com and go to "Stories".

Maybe I'll look him up next time I go through Denver on the way west.

I won't say anything about his Bike Friday though!

Ride on...........................MC

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