Monday, February 02, 2009

Off the back AGAIN....dang!

Man, at the risk of repeating myself - how do all them Blog-studs do it!?!? I really wanna keep up w/ this project (putting aside the whole "why?" thing for the moment) but I's kind of a challenge!

Lots goin' on at the shop. Let's see if I can deliver a re-cap in somewhat chronological order:

I went down to Greenville SC on a scouting trip 2 weekends ago. I know a decent # of folks there through my work w/ JDRF and I was hoping to take a shop trip down there in March. Plenty of good rides there to be sure, but the main thing I learned is that there ain't no flat ones! Jeez......every good local ride involved headin' outta town and then up and over something big enough to have it's own name! Great climbs, sweet switch-back-y'd be a great place to put a nice edge on your fitness @ the end of a long winter! As it happens, recent events have made it less-than-likely that I'll be able to pull it off, but was worth a shot and good to get outta town for a few days.

JDRF stuff is rocking hard! Velo City will be the official provider for the tech support @ every Ride this season, so that's new. A big deal and a considerable source of stress for Mrs. Clark's favorite son but there's nothing new about that! Our Team has 55 riders registered for either the new Killington Ride in August or Death Valley but it's not to late to get on board! (Man, I gotta start fund-raising!) We added a 2nd Coach to help me out so that'll be good. (Yay Nicole!)

The shop has been kinda busy, actually. We have this "Seven Rendezvous" coming up this Sunday, the Indoor Rides have been drawing a solid 18-20 riders, Yoga Class has been going well, we're still ridin' outside on Fri. morning and Sunday afternoon.........lots goin' on! I'm late getting the newsletter out 'natch, but that'll happen within 48 hours, mark my words!

Hard to believe, but I'm up to my ears in 2009 Fall/Winter clothing decisions. Kind of a drag, when you get right down to it. I understand that they gotta have time to get stuff made and all but sheesh! (Gotta say though...the new Cannondale stuff looks pretty good. I really like the LE jacket I've been riding in all winter!)

I sent my beloved Seven Axiom back to the factory for a re-finish and it looks wicked awesome! Nice to see the original ti finish again! It'be be one sweet fixxie for the Spring!

So - the big news shop-side is that Ted's leaving later this month. I totally understand - the drive is a drag. (Hell - I wouldn't do it!) and there's a position open @ Ada Bike Shop 'cuz the last wrench they got from me just left. Still - it's always a drag when key staff leave.......not to mention friends. For sure my least favorite part of this gig! Fear not - your bike will be in good hands even if I'm not 100% sure whose hands that might be at this very instant. (I have some stuff going that's not solid enough to discuss right now)

MCC meeting tonight - then I hafta go to the Rapid Wheelmen meeting in GR on Thursday w/ my JDRF hat on. There's a Fitness Fair @ GVSU this week, the GR Bicycle Film Festival on Saturday, the Seven deal on Sunday...all this in addition to the regular rides and such.

Like I said.......lots' going on!

I guess I better get to it, huh?

Talk to you later, MC

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