Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bike Life its Ownself

This crazy mashed-together & mixed up thing I call "BikeLife" gets crazier and more mixed up every day it seems like! The running joke @ meetings is that I need a cap w/ at least 3 "fronts" so I can rotate it to tell folks which "we" I mean when I say that "we" oughta do this or "we" need that. There are some meetings where that cap would spin so much that it'd wear a groove in my scalp! JDRF, VCC, MCC....they all combine and seperate like 3 rivers that join for awhile and then split off again downstream. And every once in awhile you can toss the band in there too.

Still - I don't thing I'd have it any other way!

Lots' going on, 'natch. The Ultimate Cycling Challenge was last weekend - a 24 hour indoor relay ride to support the Lance Armstrong Foundation. (Whoever he is). We had 3 teams - JDRF, a shop-employee team and a Velo City squad. I did 8 hours at differnet times throughout the event, mostly in one hour chunks. There WAS that 11pm - 3am shift.......that last hour went by s-l-o-w! ( "Dont' look at'cher watch! Don't look at'cher watch! Don't look at'cher watch! Ohhh DAMN - you looked at'cher watch!") It was cool to see a coupla hundred folks goin' nowhere fast and raising 40K for the L.A.F.

This Sunday is the Handmade Show in Indy and I can't wait! It's gonna be awesome, even if I hafta miss a ride!

Dang - the sun's out and it's supposed to hit 40 today! Could it be that Spring is actually gonna show up this year?

The JDRF stuff is keeping me busy - lots of planning for all the Rides, the Tech Support, all the Team's a damn good thing that I love it so much 'cuz sometimes it's kind of a pain in the ass! We have a great team again - a goodly % of my favorite folks I've met through JDRF!

The staff for the season is taking shape - just gotta fill in a few gaps and tie up a few loose ends. It' sux not havin' KP on the schedule but she'll be around and Rhonda's gonna be great.

It's hard to figure out what to expect w/ all the economic gloom and doom out there......I don't intend to take it lightly in ANY WAY but we're gonna proceed here @ VCC as if things are gonna be okay. Not great, but okay. The suns' gonna come out, the roads and trails are gonna dry out and folks will be on their bikes. And we'll be ready!

Ride on!

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