Monday, July 24, 2006

Phyold Landis is the "Anti-Lance"!

Holy crap! What a tour! What a blast to follow! Whereever you fall on the "I'm so sick of that Texan I could barf" scale you gotta admit that not knowing what was gonna happen from day to day is a helluva lot more fun that watchin' Team Discovery and their resident Mutant From Outer Space lay waste to one and all! I was becoming a Floyd-fan before le Tour started, based mostly on a semi-hilarious interview of him by compadre-in-crime David Zabriskie that convinced me that, if nothing else...........Mrs' Landis' favorite son was unlikely to show up on the arm of a super modelat a Hollywood premire. The man's a bit of a flake and a free-thinker and now we all know that he's got some full sized coconuts under his kilt as well!

Bravo Floyd! I hope his hip-replacement deal goes well and if he's the next major player to fall victim to any kind of drug scandal.....................I'm done payin' attention for-frickin'-ever!

Believe it or not there's lots of other bikestuff goin' on besides that race over there. We've been crazy busy here @ VCC World HQ, Ted and Lee are still pretty much swamped w/ service work and tryin' to get some new bikes built. HorseBurger's been an asset in that regard too. New Velo Citizen Sandy has been a big help too. She comes to us from many years @ Gazelle Sports and she's splittin' time 'tween here and Running Circles in GH while she looks for that elusive full-time teaching gig. We're glad she's here!

JDRF ride are going well, we leave for Montana in a couple of weeks and then it's Asheville in Sept and Death Valley in Oct. Somewhere in there is the bike show and our self-supported attempt to ride the Kokopelli Trail late next month. Man...I better figure out whatinthehell bike I'm riding!

It's been a great if sometimes stressful summer. The shop is so busy and that's's obviously good to know that folks get what we're tryin' to do and all.............but sometimes it's so nuts in here and we get so behind that I worry that we're missin' stuff and lettin' people down. I hate that idea and there's plenty of things we could do better, that's for sure!

Gotta go................more later. Ride lots!


did said...

Heads up -

FLandis will be on Leno this Phriday night...


did said...

And it looks like you'll be done paying attention to Le Tour. Danga Fragga.
