Sunday, May 07, 2006

Tell me that you're not THAT guy!

I hope you're not that guy, that's all I'm saying. 'Cause that guy........he's got a lot to answer for.

Perhaps an explaination is in order here....................2 or 3 times in the last coupla years our shop and our industry has been plagued by an avalanche of hysterical news articles about how ridin' too much will cause men to suffer from permanet'know? (Jeez, I hate to even write that!) Predictably that leads to all sorts of concern, discussion and such 'round the shop, as wary riders of the male persuasion clog the front door tryin' to get in and buy the latest saddle promising to prevent this worst of all possible conditions. It's a sexy ( ironically) and attention-grabbing headline to be sure and the news mags and the "20-20" type programs eat it up.

But here's the thing.................there's a guy out there somewhere that caused all this. Think about it for a sec.....this guy keep riding through discomfort and numbness. When Little Willie didn't "rise to the occasion" one day..............he kept riding. Didn't change his position, didn't try a new saddle................just kept riding. He rode through temporary dysfunction, he rode through numbnesss, he rode through it all.....................and doesn't work.

Now...................lest you think that I am unsympathetic.....not true! I feel for you Bro, really I do! But still, I can't help thinkin' about that old folk song about the preacher in the flood. The one that turns down rescue from a canoe and a Coast Guard ship and finally a helocopter 'cuz he's so secure in his belief that God'll rescue him. The preacher finally drowns and when he confronts the Big Guy up in heaven God says, " I sent a canoe and a boat and a helocopter........what'd you want me to do!?" This numb Willie deal is a lot like that, dont'cha think? Mr I'll Keep Riding No Matter What had plenty of warnings before things got serious and checked out for good.

To my mind, someone that rides through discomfort, through temporary numbness, through temporary dysfunction all the way to permanant dysfunction is no great loss to the gene pool.

Now...........having said all that............there's no doubt that some guys ( and women for that matter) , have a history of struggling to find a saddle that's just right. Keep trying! All our saddles have a 30 Day Trial Period so you can keep checking them out 'til you find the right one. As a Bike-Fitter Guy and as a shop that holds proper fit in high esteem..............we suspect that a lot of saddle issues are actually position issues: You have a way better chance of diggin' your saddle when your bike fits properly. The bike biz is way too focused on putting band-aids on problems instead of preventing them. It's a helluva lot easier to sell saddles w/ increasingly bizarre designs that it is to train bike shop folk in proper fitting and how to actually listen to and serve the customer.

Oops....................okay, Rant Mode off.

Anyway..............I just hope you're not that guy, okay? 'Cuz if you are that guy....................we need to talk!

'Til next time...............................adios!

1 comment:

MC said...

A full-on Fit-Kit session is still only 50 bucks. I say "only" 'cuz it seems like other shops in the area are chargin' more than that. I'm not passing judgement because every shop has it's way of doing things......but our fee hasn't changed in years. Whattaya get? Body measurements and a quick bio are entered into the database which then will make positional recommendations as to how your bikes oughta be set up. You could apply the numbers to however may bikes you have.......that's what I did. Same deal for your wife. HOw old is your daughter? If she's still growing it might not be all that great of an investment y'know?
You can e-mail me at w/ more questions or to set something up. Mike