Sunday, March 19, 2006

Two good rides, lots more comin'!

So far so good this month, ride-wise. We had 25-30 today, meetin' at the shop for the March "Fun -Raiser". Given that it was St.Patrick's Day this week............and the fact that I'm runnin' low on ideas for the series........we called this one the "Sean Kelly Ride". Thanks to Dave from the Curragh there was post-ride Guiness for all, just the thing to wash down the all-to-domestic snack assortment that I grabbed at the last minute after finally admitting to myself that I didn't have the time or the gumption to make anything Irish-esque like potatoe soup and the idea of Lucky Charms cereal just wasn't cutting it. Oh well......I heard no complaints! It 'twas chilly enough to feel like we were in the Celtic Isles-with a fairly nasty wind outta the N.W., just the thing to make you work it on the way back into town. I reckon we racked up 26 miles or so. ( 42 k for you Euro-philes) I had new-rider-on-the-block Elizabeth on the back of the tandem, and I made sure we grabbed her first sprint sign on the way into East Saugatuck. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Last Sunday we had 20+ gather for an impromptu ride that I called when it became obvious that we were gonna get one of those early spring days that you just have to grab ahold off. I saw lots of bare legs ( I'm not sure it was that warm!), and.......once again......a good ride was had by all. Keep an eye on to stay in the loop as far as rides and such, that's what it's for.

Ran into KW @ lunch, he gave me a great idea for a future Fun does the Home Brew ride sound? I don't partake myself, but Lee, Ted and Drew on the staff are often heard talkin' about their latest batch and I know more than a few other rider-buds that would want to throw their cap into that ring. I'm thinkin' July or so........just to make sure everyone has a chance to get a batch ready. Stay tuned!

Lots going on in the little world of Holland's bike biz........Cross Country Cycle completed their move and Holland Cycling&Fitness got purchased by the Klomp family in GR. They run the big Kentwood and Grandville Trek shops. Seems like a good fit, the Holland shop kinda looks like a smaller version of the ones they have in the GR area. I was glad to hear that they're keeping John around...he's a good guy. Best of luck to Jack, whatever he's gonna do next. Best of luck also to Laura and the gang over at the new-and-enormous CCC......I hope it works out better for them than it did for me.

As for our little chunk of that world......the computer project rolls on, albeit it s-l-o-w-l-y. We;ve been plenty busy and it's good to have Rach,Tom and Doez back in town after their respective ski trips. Lee and Ted are kickin' butt in the shop, keeping up w/ the steady stream of repairs and sold bikes. There are a ton of folks lookin' at and pickin' out road bikes!!!!That's way cool, but I wanna see some new offroad riders too! I'm getting pumped for the Lumberjack and some of the endurance ATB events that are coming up. sure and let me know what'cha think about what we're doing or trying to do @ the shop.........there's not much point in us busting our butts trying to do stuff that no one cares about, y'know? Stay tuned to the three websites and watch for info coming up on April's rides, the big Pearl Izumi Sale week, the frame project.......and plenty more!

Talk to you later!

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