Friday, March 02, 2007

You'd think I woulda learned........but no.

I think mebbe I oughta get my head examined. You'd think that after doin' that team relay 24 hout indoor thing that I'd know better than to decide at the last minute to do last Sunday's 3 hour indoor workout on my rollers.

You'd think that, but you'd be so wrong!

Here's what I was using for "logic", by the way. A 3 hour indoor ride sounded soul-crushingly boring, even w/ riding buds, so I figured that the rollers would help w/ that. In the back of my head I was also thinkin' that my ratty old Minoura rollers w/ a bazillion miles on 'em would offer less resistance than the fluid trainer and that sounded good as well. Besides......I haven't been on my rollers all year, and I don't think I've ever ridden 'em for more than an hour, so that made it a done deal, right?


I know, I know............not so smart.

We did the ride, it was hard-as-Hell. It was the Spinervals "Tough Love" DVD w/ good 'ol Coach Troy and his band of sweaty subjects alternating seated and standing intervals for 180 l-o-n-g minutes. Ugh. Even w/ the lighter resistance of the rollers all that out of the saddle stuff took it's toil and I was doin' the "Hey my quads are killin' me" walk 'til about Tuesday night.

Only rode off of them 4 times, which ain't bad for 3 hours, right?

Otherwise, 'twas a quiet week here @ VCC. The big (and not-so-great) news is that yesterday was Lee's last day. I know it was coming, the fdrive in from Middleville all winter was weighin' heavy on the man and I was afraid that he'd break before the weather did so he could ride in. It's been great to have him in the house, we'll miss him and we wish him nothing but the best, even if he is gonna be spinnin' wrenches for those wankers @ Ada Bike Shop! (Joke) (Sort of)
What's the plan, you ask? Da've's gonna throw in w/ a bunch more hours on the sales floor, that'll free Rach up to do smoe wrenching, which she's actually damn good at and we're sniffin' around a bit for a new face or two. Never fear...........we got it covered!

The weather is kind of a drag, typical Michigan Late Winter tease-and-switch trick. I fall for it every damn time too. New website is up. Not done, but up. I did the little bike shop deal @ The Rapid Wheelman club meeting in GR last night, that was fun. Lots to do......JDRF stuff, Macatawa club stuff, band stuff, shop stuff, home stuff.................whew!

Our son Samuel is almost 3 weeks into his Appachian Trail hike. He calls every 4-6 days or so and he and his trailmates (Boyz 2 Maine) are doing great and having a blast. I'm jealous as Hell, 'natch. Send any extra good karma you got his way, will ya?

Speaking of karma.............I thikn we need to create the word "bikema". As in it's "Good Bikema"to take your pulls @ the front and "Bad Bikema" to not wait for someone w/ a flat. Hmmm.....might be the next VCC tee!

Gotta go..............thanks for reading, assuming that you did. Later, MC

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