Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blog-0-sphere here we come!

Oh man, who woulda thunk it?! Less than 6 months ago I had no cell phone, no computer @ home, no I-Pod and I took pictures w/ the camera equivilent of a Schwinn Varsity. Despite all that, and numerous proclamations to the effect that things were gonna by-god stay that way there's a cell phone in my messenger bag, I-pod buds in my ears, a digital camera somewhere 'round here and I'm actually writin' the first post on my "blog". Good Lord! ( insert comment to the effect of teachin' old dogs new tricks here)'s the plan........our goal w/ this new site is to give you a chance to hang around the shop in your underwear if you wanna. ( Something we only let certain customers do now). If you get in the habit of checkin' w/ us here every 3-4 days you'll be as up-to-date on the goings-on 'round here as if you'd been rackin' up as much "hang-time" as Doez did back in the "single and happy about it days". Plans include pages and blogs for each Velo-Citizen, a "Garage Sale" page w/ all the hot deals, used bikes and such, an up-to-date ride page.................and who knows what else. Your comments are welcome, as always and we'll look forward to seein' you on the road, on the trails or in the shop.

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