Monday, January 30, 2006

New stuff updates.

We got a couple of cool new things in @ the shop late last week. I bought a buncha Fox 100% Merino wool s/s jerseys from their close-out sheet......guess they couldn't sell 'em for 100 bucks! Gee......maybe they're not the kinda thing that your average Fox Racing buyer's lookin' for?'s a nice jersey.......short sleeve in a muted grey/black, 3 pockets, seems to fit right......made in the legendary woolen mills of China. ( Not). Still..........a rockin' deal for 60 bux!

We're blowin' out all out Timbuk2 bags @ 40% off. They're still as good as they ever were......but the company's been bought out by "money guys" and they're not as much fun to deal with as they were back in the day. Chrome bags here we come!

Still workin' on gettin' our cold weather clothing inventory down to where I want it to be so all the C-Dale and Endura stuff is 40% off and most of the Pearl gear is 30% off. ( Jackets, tights and jerseys anyway)

Sent out the Feb. Rider's Reader today, if you want on send me your e-mail @ I did more work on the new website too..... got the "Garage" page up. Check it out. Lots of '05 bikes listed, plus a couple used ones and a demo or 2.

I'm pretty fired up about this new site.....thanks to Brother CD for helpin' out! I think it'll help us keep in touch w/ everyone and help us spread the Velo-Groove! Feel free to pass along your ideas and thoughts as far as what'cha think we oughta be using this for.

Tuesday night is the big JDRF Season Kick-Off party in GR, at Bistro Belle Vita. It starts @ 6:30 and even though you're "supposed" to RSVP.......consider yourself invited if you're at all interested in joining us for a ride. Questions? or

Anyway, gotta go. Later....................MC

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Blog-0-sphere here we come!

Oh man, who woulda thunk it?! Less than 6 months ago I had no cell phone, no computer @ home, no I-Pod and I took pictures w/ the camera equivilent of a Schwinn Varsity. Despite all that, and numerous proclamations to the effect that things were gonna by-god stay that way there's a cell phone in my messenger bag, I-pod buds in my ears, a digital camera somewhere 'round here and I'm actually writin' the first post on my "blog". Good Lord! ( insert comment to the effect of teachin' old dogs new tricks here)'s the plan........our goal w/ this new site is to give you a chance to hang around the shop in your underwear if you wanna. ( Something we only let certain customers do now). If you get in the habit of checkin' w/ us here every 3-4 days you'll be as up-to-date on the goings-on 'round here as if you'd been rackin' up as much "hang-time" as Doez did back in the "single and happy about it days". Plans include pages and blogs for each Velo-Citizen, a "Garage Sale" page w/ all the hot deals, used bikes and such, an up-to-date ride page.................and who knows what else. Your comments are welcome, as always and we'll look forward to seein' you on the road, on the trails or in the shop.